Process a Payment Link Sale on Android

1. Tap "Pay"

2. Enter a sale amount and tap "Continue"

3. Tap "Online with QR"

4. Your customer can scan the QR code to open the payment page on their device or you can send via email

5. Enter email address and name (optional). Tap "Confirm" to send

6. Once your customer has opened the link the below screen will show

7. Once your customer has selected a tip and how to pay the below screen will show

8. If the sale was declined or failed the below screen will show. Your customer will be able to retry. Please ask them to try again

9. The app will update once they are trying again

10. The receipt screen will display when the sale is succesful. Declined receipts will show in your receipts list. Tap "Done" to return to the home page to take another payment