Take a Card Payment on Android

1. Tap "Pay" to start a new sale

2. Enter an amount and tap "Continue"

3. Tap "Card" as payment method

4. If no terminal is connected please follow prompts to connect the terminal

5. Tap here

6. Select your device form the list

7. The app will attempt to connect to the selected terminal

8. Tap "Done"

9. Reconfirm your payment method choice

10. The app will track the status of the terminal. If configured the terminal will ask the cardholder to enter a tip or skip

11. The cardholder should now insert or tap their card

12. For Chip & Pin sales the cardholder should now enter their pin

13. The app is now processing the sale

14. You can print or email receipts if your customer wishes. If finished press done to return to the home screen to take another payment